

2018-03-27 斐石


Fieldfisher China




Fieldfisher China Office (“Fieldfisher China”) was founded in 2008 and has three offices across Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou. Fieldfisher China is a full-service commercial law firm with legal professionals of exceptional expertise and experience able to cater to the needs of clients operating on all scales, from start-ups through to multinationals.

斐石中国是斐石国际律师事务所全球网络的重要组成部分,斐石国际律师事务所成立于1835年,是一家总部位于英国伦敦的大型国际律师事务所。目前已经在英国、德国、法国、意大利、西班牙、比利时、荷兰、美国及中国的主要城市共开设20个办公室,拥有近三百名合伙人和近千名专业律师,并仍在迅速扩张中。凭借180年的法律服务经验和丰富的行业知识,斐石国际律师事务所为众多国际知名企业提供了大量优质服务。正因为如此,斐石国际律师事务所的近百位专业律师在钱伯斯(Chambers)和Legal 500中的几十个专业领域榜上有名并名列前茅。2017年斐石英国办公室被评为LegalWeek全英最佳律所。

Fieldfisher China is an important part of Fieldfisher’s global network. Fieldfisher is an international law firm with its headquarters in London. Founded in 1835, Fieldfisher has 20 offices across the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands, the USA, and China. With nearly 300 partners and 1000 associates,our network of offices and legal professionals is continuously growing. Fieldfisher’s experience and professional knowledge spans over 180 years and in this time we have provided high level legal services to a multitude of large multinationals. We have been awarded world leading rankings in many practice areas and hundreds of our experts have been recognized as leading industry figures by Chambers and The Legal 500. Fieldfisher UK officealso won the 2017 Law Firm of the Year award at Legal Week’s British Legal Awards.


Our advantages


○Integrated Global Network


As a part of Fieldfisher’s global network, Fieldfisher China provides a truly international one-stop service for Chinese companies’ outbound investment and overseas business. Thus, companies that choose Fieldfisher China do not need to worry about the issues that come with dealing with different law firms in different countries. As an example, clients can receive all of the legal services necessary for an outbound M&A transaction and local operation by solely engaging with Fieldfisher China. Clients that choose Fieldfisher China needn’t worry about the hassles of cross-border and cross-practice cooperation between different offices and different lawyers, the difficulties of communicating with different project coordinators in different languages,nor the trouble of putting together numerous separate engagement letters for different law firms. Further, clients, when choosing to work with us at Fieldfisher China, don’t have to concern themselves with the issues entailed in making payments in foreign currencies. Clients can pay us directly in RMB and we will handle the transfer of any payments that need to be made to other members of Fieldfisher’s global networkfor work carried out overseas. Our integrated service modelallows us to provide a commercial,efficient, and accurate service to our clients.


○Chinese Practicing License


Unlike the representative offices of other international law firms, which are not allowed to practice Chinese law, Fieldfisher China holds a full practicing license issued by the Ministry of Justice of the People’s Republic of China. This practicing license qualifies us to advise clients on both contentious and non-contentious matters in China. This means that Fieldfisher China can represent clients in litigations and can also issue legal opinions regarding matters of Chinese law.


○Practicing Areas and Industries


Fieldfisher China is able to provide legal counsel on matters relating to competition & antitrust, capital markets, corporate law, M&A, dispute resolution (especially highprofile corporate and commercial litigations and arbitrations), employment law, IP, taxation, international transactions, data security, and maritime law. Fieldfisher China assists clients operating in a variety of sectors including those in the technology, automotive, healthcare, aviation, media, internet, sports, energy, finance, real estate, and entertainment industries.


Key Expertise




Our competition law team provide a comprehensive legal service that covers China, the EU and the national competition regimes of its constituent countries: the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Fieldfisher China’s competition clients come from a variety of backgrounds and include public institutions as well as those in the technology, aviation, telecoms, automotive, life science, energy, and transportation industries. 


As one of the first law firms to practice competition law in China, our competition law practice has been growing steadily in the years following China’s Antimonopoly Law coming into force in 2008. Thanks to the efficiencies generated and the experience provided by Fieldfisher’s global network, we are able to provide a high quality fully integrated multinational service to our clients. We are also more than able to assist clients, both domestic and international, with all areas covered by Chinese competition law. Our competition law team are able to assist with: merger control, reviewing commercial contracts from the perspective of competition law, designing competition law compliance systems, dealing with dawnraids, and competition litigation.







In comparison with other Chinese law firms, we have competitive advantage in the following areas:

●Advising Chinese companies on multinational merger filing assessments regarding overseas M&As and leading the preparation of filing documents and organising multinational filings;

●Advising airlines on competition law concerns arising out of joint venture agreements. This includes assisting with the negotiation, drafting and amendment of these agreements, as well asputting together competition assessment reports;

●Assisting Chinese companies in setting up global competition law compliance systems and implementing compliance strategies;

●Advising Chinese companies on competition litigation and judicial remedies in Europe;

●Designing and providing bespoke online competition law compliance courses to companies.


We have advised many leading domestic and foreign companies on competition matters operating in various sectors including those in the automotive, technology, aviation, energy, insurance, retail, telecom, internet, and advertising sectors.


○Capital Markets


Fieldfisher has many years of experience advising companies all over the world on IPOs, refinancing, acquisitions and restructuring, bond issuance, delisting, public and private equities, trust products, asset management, establishment/operation/management of M&A trusts of listed companies in both China and European countries such as the UK, as well as providing services for issuers.


With a great knowledge and expertise of the laws and regulations of the world’s main securities markets: China, the UK, and the USA, our lawyers have represented clients in a plethora of multinational arbitrations, litigations of cross-border investment disputes,investment disputes, and equity disputes. We are experts in risk control and avoidance in the securities business and have provided legal counsel to several investment firms on a long-term basis.


In addition to an in-depth knowledge and expertise of securities markets, the majority of lawyers working inour Capital Markets and Securities team have studied overseas and hold securities practice qualifications, independent director qualifications of listed companies, and legal profession qualifications in other countries.












Our Capital Markets and Securities team can provide the following services:

●Domestic and overseas IPOs

●Refinancing of listed companies

●National Equities Exchange and Quotations and local equities exchange listing

●Public and private equities

●Enterprise bonds, corporate bonds, SME bonds, and foreign bonds

●Trusts/ issuance and management of asset finance products


●Asset securitization 

●PPP(Public-Private Partnership)




Our M&A team has helped clients operating in all of the world’s leading markets: Asia, the EU, and the USA. Our M&A team has assisted with both large and complex M&As of listed companies as well as the acquisition and sale of SMEs. Fieldfisher China’s extensive M&A experience, transaction management and negotiation skills, ensure the best deals for our clients. Fieldfisher China’s highly qualified M&A team are able to provide sound and economic solutions to suit the practical needs of our clients inall stages of an M&A project.From the initial transaction structure and financing plans through to due diligence, preparation and negotiation of documents, and reorganization after an acquisition, we will ensure we have the best team in place to ensure complete satisfaction and ease.We work in close collaboration with the other offices in Fieldfisher’s global network, this ensures thatcross-border investorsreceive a high quality service from our multilingual team and their flexible and efficient project management skills.





Our ability to fully and properly assist clients looking to take on overseas construction work as part of the “One Belt One Road” project distinguishes us from other domestic law firms. Fieldfisher China has the key skills and structural advantages that make facilitating these outbound investments possible:

●Fieldfisher China and Fieldfisher’s other overseas offices are fully qualified to provide legal counsel in each of their respective territories. This means that our clients can benefit from a fully integrated one-stop legal service both inside and outside of China;

●Fieldfisher China can provide charging and payment schemes to which Chinese clients are more accustomed to;

●Fieldfisher China works in close collaboration with other Fieldfisher offices and their departments of different sectors. This allows us to draw upon their experience and expertise when necessary. 


○Intellectual Property


Fieldfisher is renowned for the high standards of its IP practice. Our expertise covers every field of IP law: patents, trademarks, copyright, data protection, domain names, brand management, and trade secrets, etc. 


Fieldfisher China’s IP lawyers have backgrounds in engineering and technology and are able to deal with complex IP cases which pertain to: machinery, chemicals, software, telecommunications technology, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices. Our practice covers all patent related issues, including patent prosecution, patent portfolio, patent asset management, and patent litigation. If you are considering investing in another business, entering into a joint venture, a technology transfer agreement or purchasing another business' patent assets, we can evaluate patent portfolios as part of a due diligence exercise, advise on and draft contractual terms, and provide the support you need to navigate competition, tax, transfer pricing, and regulatory issues. Fieldfisher China’s IP team maintain a close relationship with China’s IP relevant regulatory bodies and this allows us to provide our clients a superior patent service.   


Alongside our patent practice, we also have a skilled trademark team experienced in administrative cases involving the granting and confirmation of trademark rights as well as trademark litigation. The trademark team is specialized in providing trademark management and brand strategies for international enterprises and assisting them in all kinds of disputes. We counsel our clients on all trademark issues including monitoring, application, opposition, invalidation, cancellation, renewal, assignment, license, enforcement and dispute solutions, etc. In addition, we assist clients with designing brand development strategies. As part of Fieldfisher’s global network, we are able to assist our domestic clients with trademark file management, protection, and dispute solutions around the globe.


○Dispute Resolution


Our dispute resolution team is experienced in litigating in Chinese courts as well as having experience of arbitrations at various arbitration institutions in China.Our dispute resolution team has sold experience dealing with high profile and complicated cases, and expertise in solving complex issues arising from the litigation, appeal and enforcement.  We can also help foreign clients applying for the domestic enforcement of foreign judicial judgments and arbitral decisions. Our clients include both large state-owned companies and various private enterprises.


○Employment Law


The Employment Law team of Fieldfisher China provide legal counsel on various disputes and non-litigation issues, and assist clients with specific employment issues. Our services include professional counselling and providing solutions for both day-to-day and strategically significant employment issues, labor disputes, and employment issues in M&As.


Our extensive client base come from a variety of business sectors and include start-ups, SMEs, and large international corporations. 


Our lawyers are very experienced and have developed an expertise in Employment Law over many years.We always look for the best solution for ourclients: a solution that is practical, commercial, and innovative. Weprovide counsel to a multitude of companies on their employment, pension, and migration issues. We are also able to assist our clients with labor law related issues that present themselves in M&As.





















Our Employment Law practice covers:

●Employment contracts

●Employee handbooks and internal regulations

●Anti-competition, confidentiality, and restrictive covenants 

●Termination of employment

●Redundancy/Mass layoff  

●Mediation, arbitration, and litigation of labor disputes

●Day-to day issues faced by Human Resources departments

●Modes/plans of employment and flexible working hour systems

●Labor outsourcing and dispatching 

●Employment and residence of foreign laborers

●Employment issues in relocation, dissolution, reorganization or M&A of companies, including advising on the dismissal of and offering of settlementsto employees

●Integration and restructuring after M&A

●Social security

●Employer’s liability for illegal employment

●Welfare and equities of employees

●Privacy and data protection

●Labor protection, occupational injury, and occupational illness

●Corporate compliance training on labor law

●Day-to-day counsel on labor law issues


Key Sectors


○Energy and natural resources


We have been active in the energy and natural resources sector for over 50 years and our team of more than 100 lawyers is well placed to advise on your needs. Our clients range from national oil companies, the super-majors, and financial institutions, to small and mid-sized operators. Our legal practice in the Energy sector has catered to the various needs of our clients which have included corporate law issues, M&A, government regulations, planning, real estate, commercial contracts, and dispute resolution.


○Financial Services


Financial Services are a key sector for us. We work across the financial services sector for a wide range of financial institutions and clients, including banks, investment funds, hedge funds, insurance companies, and securities traders, dealers, and managers. Our team is highly professional. Many of us have either worked in financial services, undertaken secondments to financial institutions - or have worked closely with trade bodies and regulators. Meanwhile, our experts in competition law, dispute resolution, IT and privacy, tax, corporate law, real estate, and labor law also have a deep knowledge and understandingof financial law.


○Science and Technology (TMC)


With a footprint spanning across Europe to Silicon Valley and Shanghai, as is the case for the sector as a whole, our activities are not constrained to one single geography. Our lawyers have deep knowledge of the TMC sector. With a great understanding of the industry rules and an acute sense of potential risks, they can always provide effective and creative solutions. For our clients in the TMC sector, we provide a comprehensive service by putting togethera team of our experts who best suit the specific profile of each client.In the telecommunications industry, wehave helped clientsestablish networks, get over regulatory hurdles, undertake M&As, expand in markets, and develop new modes of technology outsourcing. We have also assisted clients releasing mobile apps, handling big data, and utilising and developing cloud computing technologies.We have provided counsel to those in the media industry as well. We have worked with clients in the traditional media as they seek to transform themselves and we have also helped clients in the new media with the unique challenges they face.Our comprehensive service covers all areas of the media industry including branding, digital media, dispute resolution, financing, patent licensing, asset management and financing of media, taxation, and data privacy and protection.

我们在科技领域,包括媒体和电信,都居于业界领先地位,在Legal 500和钱伯斯的排名中都榜上有名且名列前茅。

Fieldfisher holds a world leading position in the provision of legal services in the technology, media, and telecommunicationssectors. We have been awarded top rankings by The Legal 500 and Chambers.


○Healthcare and Life Science


We can bring to you a unique understanding of the healthcare sector, having been immersed in the industry for more than 50 years. We have worked with eight of the healthcare professions regulators and four major entity regulators in the UK and act for more than 130 healthcare organizations in total. Our healthcare team advises healthcare investors, healthcare providers, healthcare regulators, and other healthcare commissioners on the full range of their legal needs- from m-health technology to new social insurance plans. We ensure that our public and private sector clients receive the most professional and accurate legal advice in the sector.


Our life science team provides full-scale legal assistance to global clients from pharmaceutical and healthcare industries including medical device manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, biotechnology companies, regulatory institutions, and m-health service providers. Our service covers M&A, regulation, dispute resolution, transfer and litigation of patents, commercial agreements, compliance, anti-commercial bribery, software licensing, data protection, public procurement agreements, antitrust, and clinical trial agreements etc.


○Hotel, Leisure and Sports


In the ever-changing global hotel, leisure and sports industry, our clients find that our extensive understanding of the sector is invaluable. Our expertise in this sector is acknowledged by clients and legal directories alike. Our specialist hotels and leisure lawyers are drawn from our corporate, employment, finance, franchising, intellectual property, real estate, tax, and technology groups, creating a genuine one stop shop for clients in this sector.


We advise on a wide range of matters from across the hotel and leisure sector. We assist brand owners, leisure operators, financiers and investors and hotel and leisure developers with their transactions involving hotels, serviced apartments, cinema circuits, theatres, high-end restaurants, holiday resorts, and holiday travel companies. 


Our sports expertise is wide-ranging and encompasses experience in acquisition and funding, brand protection, betting and gaming, commercial agreements, competition, regulatory and disciplinary issues, endorsements, merchandising, project finance, sponsorship and sports marketing, ticketing, TV and media rights, and stadia development.

我们在酒店、娱乐和体育行业享有很高声誉。在旅游产业,曾荣获钱伯斯英国顶级律所的殊荣。在酒店和娱乐行业,我们在Legal 500和钱伯斯的排名中也位居前列。

Fieldfisher’s legal services have an excellent reputation in the hotel, leisure and sports industries. We are cited as the top law firm in the UK by Chambers for the tourism sector and are ranked highly in The Legal 500 and Chambers for the hotel and leisure sectors.


○Education and Games


Education has been a key sector for Fieldfisher. Our lawyers have been involved in projects pertaining to preschool education, K-12 education, higher education and vocational educationas well as relevant e-technology services, and press services. We are able to assist with a variety of legal issues present in education including matters relating to corporate law, securities, Intellectual Property, labour law compliance, and competition law.


Fieldfisher has extensive experience in the gaming industry and hasassistedlisted and unlisted domestic video game publishers, video game developers, game operators,andvideo game marketers and distributors with legal issues pertaining to PC games, mobile games, and web games. Some of our lawyers have spent years as senior legal counselto video game companies. This has allowed us to accrue a deep understandingof the commercial needs of video game companies as well as the risks faced by them.We are also well aware of the current business conditions and developing trends within the industry. Our knowledge of the gaming industry and our experience within it are the basis of the superior service we provide.


○Real Estate and Construction



Fieldfisher offers an array of legal services to clients in the Real Estate and Construction industries. Our clients hail from a variety of backgrounds andinclude government departments, investors, developers, construction companies, financial institutions, REITs, and individuals. We advise on every stage of the life cycle of a project, with areas of particular expertise including comprehensive land development, land transfer, project investment and financing, real estate development, project transfer, various M&A transactions, real estate sales, property management and operation, real estate listing and real estate securitization, infrastructure and PPP, the environment and energy, and real estate-related dispute resolution. We cover more specialized sectors such as dwelling real estate, tourism real estate, and pension real estate. Benefiting from Fieldfisher’s integrated global network, weare able to quickly formateam of legal professionalscomprised of experts from each of our relevant departments and areas to handle large and complex real estate projects effectively. Our real estate and construction clientsbenefit from a one-stop, integrated, high-end legal service. In addition to the real estate team carrying out the work required for a project, our corporate, capital markets, taxation, dispute resolution, and intellectual property teams are also able to provide professional legal advice to ensure the successful implementation of projects.




Fieldfisher China’s maritime team offers an effective and high-quality service for Chinese and foreign clients seeking counsel and assistance with international trade, shipping, international clearing, insurance as well as all other commercial or legal issues related to maritime trade. We are able to assist clients in litigating as well as seeking solutions to issues such as the following: ship infringement, engineering products quality responsibility, salvage, towing and salvage, common average, damaged fishing, fish farms, facilities of aquaculture/marine and seabed, seaborne fraud, shipment contracts (including cargo damage, short amount, single delivery, transfer of bills of lading, pledge, etc.), contractual disputes regarding vessel leases (time charter contracts, bareboat charter contracts, etc.), ship sale and purchase, finance leases, operation and managementof ships, ship ownership, maritime liens (inluding priority thereof), and ship mortgages.










